Online, face to face or a mix?

Complete your DofE skill’s section.

Milton Keynes Guitar TeacherOnline

Here at MK Guitar Tuition, I teach either at OakGrove school or privately on a 1:1 basis. Private lessons are taught either online  or face to face. Lesson are fun which ever way it is you want to learn.  Interested in completing your DofE? Click here.

Music Theory Teacher in Milton KeynesFace to face

Face to face lessons are also available with MK Guitar Tuition. Learn electric, acoustic, classical, bass or music theory. Lessons can either be 30 45 or 60 minutes in length. The teaching style largely remains the same with attention to 1:1 tutoring being tailored to suit.

Milton Keynes Guitar TeacherA mix

Learning online is a convenient option should time not allow. Each learning style has its benefits. You could have one week face to face and then another online. Compliment your learning styles whilst confidently developing your guitar skills. Music Theory is also available.

Acoustic guitar lessons

With MK Guitar Tuition

Acoustic Guitar Teacher, MK

Milton Keynes Guitar TeacherAcoustic Guitar Lessons

Finger-style guitar. It’s a fun genre which allows the guitar player to play the bass, chord, and melody simultaneously. If you’re not planning to play in a band, this style allows you to play recognisable tunes in an impressive and virtuoso way.

Electric Guitar Lessons

With MK Guitar Tuition

Electric Guitar Teacher Milton Keynes DofE

Milton Keynes Guitar TeacherElectric Guitar Lessons

Want to sound like your favourite rock star? Learning the electric guitar presents it’s own technical challenges. At the very beginning of any guitar journey, the foundations are the same but you’ll learn how to play and sound like your favourite musicians or find your own sound.

Classical guitar lessons

With MK Guitar Tuition

classical guitar lessons Bedford

Milton Keynes Guitar TeacherClassical Guitar lessons

Do you prefer a more methodical and straight forward approach? The classical guitar technique isn’t easy to master but understanding what you need to learn is. Closely related to finger-style guitar, you’ll learn how to formally read notation without tablature. You can learn for fun or for grades with ABRSM or Trinity.

Bass guitar Lessons

MK Guitar Tuition

Bass Guitar Teacher, MK

Milton Keynes Guitar TeacherBass Guitar Lessons

Fancy learning some groovy bass lines? Learning the bass guitar is about keeping the groove. Whilst everybody in a band is responsible for their own timing, the bass player is perhaps seen the most ‘useful’ but not always the most prominent. Enjoy learning the funky bass lines & technique or just enjoy the groove.

Guitar & Music Theory

MK Guitar Tuition

Milton Keynes Guitar TeacherGuitar teacher, MK.

Split the hour; learn music theory and guitar. Guitarists often can’t read music but here at MK Guitar Tuition you can learn how to do both. You’ll be learning a generic approach by using an official syllabus provided by ABRSM. You can be taught from grades 1 -5 with exams completed online.

Milton Keynes Guitar TeacherMusic Theory 

Learning music theory isn’t as dull as you previously might have thought. I teach it in a fun, relaxed but informative way. Grades 1-5 are available with ABRSM. You can also take the test online from your own laptop once you’re completed the book and are feeling confident – all from the comfort of your own home.